Youth Worker Resources
Digital resources for youth and student workers

Tom Clarke explores why healthy conflict can supercharge our leadership and offers four top tips to managing conflict well.
Simeon Taylor unpacks three key ways in which our leadership is shaped by our worship.
Tom Clarke shares four key tips for building a great team, whether it’s at school, at church or in business.
Simeon Taylor reflects on the first year of the Onelife Sessions and explores how you can get involved.
Tom explores the idea of accountability through the lens of Galatians 6. How can we form healthy accountability relationship that aren’t just about sin management?
In a guest blog, Will Hooper shares what he and his team learned from leading a Sex and Relationships series with their young people.
Explore our top tips for creating a culture of encouragement with your group, and take things deeper with the Onelife Leadership Sessions.
Beth explores three lessons in leadership from the nativity story.
Our top tips for the conversation that starts, ‘But I just don’t see myself as a leader…’
Kenzie shares her experience exploring what it looks like to observe the Sabbath. Discover her journey towards true ‘soul rest’.
A youth group session exploring what it means to develop a Rule of Life and how to implement one in your own walk with Jesus.
A youth group session based on the Marvel film Black Panther. Part of a series of resources for youth workers written by Ash Porter.
A youth group session based on the Marvel film Captain America: The First Avenger. Part of a series of resources for youth workers written by Ash Porter.
A youth group session based on the Marvel film Captain Marvel. Part of a series of resources for youth workers written by Ash Porter.
School of Leadership alumna Audrey Tambudzai shares her thoughts on the importance of speaking out against the injustice of racism, and how we can use our influence in the right way in order to bring about God’s kingdom on earth.
Thando Zulu from Heart Church, Nottingham, shares some practical ways youth leaders can lead themselves and their young people in the issue of racism.
We love using the SOAP technique – Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer – to read the Bible. Here’s how to use it with your young people as part of a video call.
Remember the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare? Helen suggests some practical ways we can be more like the tortoise and run with perseverance and endurance the race marked out for us.
Helen shares a simple three-step process that help you guard your heart against anxiety. It’s about growing your awareness of what is making you worried or anxious and bringing it into the light of God’s promises.
Our top tips for youth groups to connect through vulnerability, even through the additional barrier of a screen.
Tools for Youth Ministry

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Onelife Leadership Sessions
Three streams of digital leadership training resources for 11–14-year-olds, 14–18-year-olds and 18+. Sign up to access now.
There’s loads more to see on our Instagram profile – make sure you follow us so you don’t miss out!