Onelife Sessions: Jing’s Story
We ran the Onelife Leadership Sessions during an October half term as part of a three-day youth retreat. The material helped our young people to explore leadership, take ownership of their discipleship journey, be equipped with tools to help them understand more about themselves and how to relate with others, and to have a vision for their life with Jesus.
One particular highlight happened in the afternoon of our third day. We spent some time taking turns in the ‘hot seat’ receiving affirming words from one another. It was a beautiful time between the young people and their leaders and among the young people themselves. Hearing open and honest dialogue over how we saw one another deepened the connection between the group and we had with us a number of siblings who had never heard these words of love from each other—it was transformative.
Since running the Onelife Sessions we have seen a number of those that joined us flourish in and outside of church. Many are serving in different parts of church life and others are now growing as Christians at school, in university or in their careers.